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The majority of requests for multiple objects have parameters to manage pagination. By returning results in separate pages, we can minimise network traffic and reduce the load on the server. The size or limit (max) and starting position (offset) of each page can be passed in as a parameter to the query. The response will always return the total number of objects, along with a list of 'items' corresponding to the specified 'page' of results.

Parameter format

In these examples we consider the endpoint endpoint for listing all folders:


To manually specify the offset and max values, these should be passed as form parameters - for example the request:


Would return folders 10-14 inclusive in the overall list.

To specify that all results should be returned, the boolean parameter all can be passed - for example the request:


Will return the complete list of visible folders.

The all parameter is an alternative, and should not be specified at the same time as offset and max.

Response format

Again consider the endpoint endpoint for listing all folders described above.

The response body would look something like:

    "count": n,
    "items": [

Where n is the total number of folders available. The number of items returned will be at most max items.

Default settings

If no parameters are passed, the default values are:

  • offset : 0
  • max: 10