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A Folder is a container type and can be represented as follows:

    "id": "81d00110-40e3-4ec0-b279-6004fa1b9b52",
    "domainType": "Folder",
    "label": "folder",        
    "description": "Represents a folder.",        
    "lastUpdated": "2021-04-28T10:10:13.945Z",
    "hasChildFolders": true

The fields are as follows:

  • id (UUID): The unique identifier of this folder
  • domainType (Type): The domain type of this catalogue object. Will always be Folder in this case.
  • label (String): The human-readable identifier of this folder.
  • description (String): A long description of the folder, and any important characteristics of the data. This field may include HTML, or MarkDown.
  • lastUpdated (DateTime): The date/time when this folder was last modified
  • hasChildFolders (Boolean): Determines if this folder contains child folders.

As well as the endpoints listed below, a Folder is also a CatalogueItem, and so a Folder identifier can also be used as the parameter to any of those endpoints

Child Folders

A folder may contain child folders. Endpoints are provided to differentiate between parent and child folders.

Getting information

The following endpoints returns a paginated list of all the folders. The first requests all root folders in Mauro, the second requests the folders for a parent folder.



These endpoints provide the detailed information about a particular folder; the first requests a root folder in Mauro, the second requests a folder from a parent folder.



Create / Update / Delete

To create a new folder from scratch, use the following post endpoints, depending on whether to create one with or without a parent.



To edit the properties of a folder, use the following endpoints, with a body similar to the JSON described at the top of this page. Use the appropriate endpoint depending on whether to edit one with or without a parent.



To delete a folder, use the following endpoint, depending on whether to delete one with or without a parent. The permanent parameter is a boolean value that controls whether a 'hard' or 'soft' delete is used if the user is an administrator.




/api/folders/{folderId}/readByAuthenticated /api/folders/{folderId}/readByAuthenticated /api/folders/{folderId}/readByEveryone /api/folders/{folderId}/readByEveryone