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Docker Setup

System requirements

The simplest installation method is to run our preconfigured application using Docker.
Any operating system, on a server or desktop, running Docker can run Mauro Data Mapper, but please note that some organisations may restrict the use of Docker on virtual machines.

We advise a minimum of 2 CPUs and 4GBs RAM just to run this system. This does not allow for the requirements to have an operating system running as well. Therefore we recommend a 4 CPU and 8GB RAM server.

The default install of Docker inside Linux configures the Docker Engine with unlimited access to the server's resources. However, if running in Windows or macOS the Docker Toolbox will need to be configured.

Installing Docker and Docker Compose

You will need to install Docker and Docker Compose. Docker Compose is included as part of the standard 'Docker Desktop' for Windows and macOS.

To run Mauro Data Mapper, we recommend the following minimum versions:

  • Docker Engine: 20.10.21 or higher
  • Docker Compose: preferably v2.x.x (docker compose command); alternatively v1.27.x (docker-compose command) or higher


If you are running on Ubuntu (20.04 or earlier), the default version of docker-compose installed with apt-get is currently 1.25.0 or earlier, and you might get the error message:

Building docker compose ERROR: Need service name for --build-arg option
In this case, you should uninstall docker-compose and re-install directly from Docker, following the instructions here.

Docker Machine configuration

The default docker-machine in a Windows or macOS environment is configured to make use of one CPU and 1GB RAM. This is not enough RAM to reliably run the Mauro Data Mapper system and so should be increased.

On Linux the docker machine is the host machine so there is no need to build or remove anything.

Native Docker

If using the Native Docker then edit the preferences of the Docker application and increase the RAM to at least 4GB. You will probably need to restart Docker after doing this.

Docker Toolbox

If using the Docker Toolbox then you will need to perform the following in a 'docker' terminal:

# Stop the default docker machine
$ docker-machine stop default

# Remove the default machine
$ docker-machine rm default

# Replace with a more powerful machine (4096 is the minimum recommended RAM, if you can give it more then do so)
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count "-1" --virtualbox-memory "4096" default

Use the default Docker Machine

When controlling using Docker Machine via your terminal shell it is useful to set the default docker machine. Type the following at the command line, or add it to the appropriate bash profile file:

eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

If not you may see the following error:

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

For more information about administration of your running Docker instance, please see the Administration guide