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The Mauro Data Mapper API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In addition, some requests also return additional status information relating to the reasons for any error or failure that has occurred.

In general, codes of the form 2XX indicate success, codes of the form 4XX indicate an error with the request, and codes of the form 5XX indicate that an error occurred with the server during the processing of a potentially valid request. Hopefully those in the last category are rare!

Further details for each of the common error codes are shown in the tables below.

Error code tables

Code Meaning Description
200 OK The response succeeded as expected
201 Created The POST method was successful and a new resource was created
204 No Content The server successfully processed the request, but no content was returned - for example when deleting a resource
Code Meaning Description
400 Bad Request The server cannot process the request - either a required parameter was missing, or the body was badly formatted
401 Unauthorized The requested resource requires authentication, but none was provided as part of the header information
403 Forbidden The server refused to process the request because the authenticated user does not have the correct permissions
404 Not Found The resource requested could not be found. This may be because the URL is malformed, or because the HTTP method was not permitted for this particular URL - for example PUT on a resource which may not be edited
408 Request Timeout The server gave up waiting for a request. This code may occasionally be seen when the upload of a file takes longer than the server is prepared to wait
409 Conflict The server could not process the request because of some conflict in the current state of the resource. Most commonly this occurs when a user tried to log in, despite already being logged in with a valid session
Code Meaning Description
500 Internal Server Error This is a catch-all error message, when the request appears valid but the server was unable to process it. This may well be caused by a bug in the software; such error messages may be reported through our issue-tracking software
502 Bad Gateway This is a system error relating to the server. It may be that the Metadata Catalogue is configured incorrectly, or is otherwise not installed correctly
503 Service Unavailable The API server is currently unavailable. It may have been taken down for maintenance, or is otherwise not running
504 Gateway Timeout See 502 - the server may be badly configured or is otherwise unavailable